🔥Worker Node Quick Start Guide

This guide will take you through the steps of purchasing, setting up and deploying Worker Nodes (WNS).


Before you can set up a new Worker node, you will need to purchase them.

To subscribe:

  1. Verify that you are in the VaaS environment of Launchpad by checking the toggle button on the top right. You will easily recognize the VaaS environment by its dark theme

  1. Under Worker Node in the left hand bar, go to "Purchase" and fill in the purchase form

  1. Click on the "Subscribe" button. You will be redirected to the payment page.

  2. Once the payment is completed, you are ready to set-up your Worker Node.

Full Node Deployment and Management

Once you have purchase one or more Worker Nodes, you are ready to deploy them.

  1. Under Worker Node > "Manage", look for "Pending deployments" at the top of the page. You will find all newly purchased Worker Nodes that have not yet been deployed. Previously deployed nodes that were deleted will also show up here.

  1. Click on "Deploy" to start setting up your Worker node

  2. The first step required is to fill in the basic Node details: Name and Region. The name should have a minimum of 6 characters and can contain spaces.

  1. The second step is the IPFS Gateway. By default, you are always able to choose a Public IPFS gateway. You can choose a Private IPFS gateway if you have enabled it in SmartFlow (see SmartFlow quick start guide). Note that you can deploy your node with a Public gateway and change that setting in the future.

  1. The third and last steps asks you to configure your Account. You can do that by either bringing your own keys should you already have an account you wish to use, or generate new keys. To bring your own keys, you will need the 12 words seed phrase. The account keys can be re-generated or imported even after deployment.

  1. Click Continue, you will be offered to be redirected to your Manage page.

  2. Your newly deployed node will show in the Worker Nodes table with the status "Requested"

  1. After several minutes, you will receive a notification regarding the provisioning of your Worker node, and its status will change to "Provisioning". You can already access your node details via the "i" icon on the right of your node overview.

  1. Within 15 minutes, your node will switch to the "Ready" status and you will be notified

Node Management and Details

To learn more about your node and update any details post-deployment, head to the details via the "i" button on your node overview under the Manage screen.

Note that you can always delete your node from the details or from the overview. All deleted node will reappear in your Manage screen under pending deployment.

Let's review each element of your node details:

Node Health Status

The Node Health Status indicates whether your node is running. Until the node's machine status is "Ready", your node health status will always be stopped. Once your node is Ready on a machine level, it will move to the "Running" health status.

The node health status will also show you whether your node is bound to an operator account or not. That is a necessary step to have your node fully active. For a guide on how to bind your worker node to an operator account, please visit our devoted guide.


The About section contains basic information about your node such as its name, network type, node type and its deployment date and time.

It also contains the link to the Operator console. The operator console is where you can manage your operator account actions. View our devoted guide for details.

Infrastructure details

The infrastructure details contains cloud information, your node's region as indicated during deployment and the machine status which is the status you can also see in your node overview in the Manage screen.

Worker Node

The worker node section contains the Public key and Seed phrase for your node. From this section you can:

  • View and copy your existing data

  • Download your existing data

  • Import new data: this means importing an existing seed

  • Create new: this means re-generating a new public key and seed combo

Please note that importing creating and importing new data will erase your current data, it is therefore recommended you proceed carefully with those two actions.

IPFS Gateway

The IPFS gateway section allows you to switch between Default (Public) and Private IPFS. You can select "Private" once you have set this up via SmartFlow.

Solutions whitelist

The Solutions whitelist is where you can select which solutions your worker node is allowed to run for.

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